What advice would I give someone who is about to get into their first job?

Gopu Krishna Pillai
2 min readApr 13, 2020


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

I am 24 and in the past 2½ of professional hands-on experience this is what I think:

1. Learn as much as you can. Don’t worry about the monetary benefits.

2. Have a good relationship with your colleagues. It’s not worth burning bridges.

3. Network with like-minded people via Linkedin or meetups.

4. Start investing 25%-30% of your income in MFs, equities, fixed assets.

5. Don’t think of the job as a 9–5. You’ll hear from a lot of people that you should only work for what you’re being paid. That’s wrong. No matter who, regardless of what professional position or how many people tell you this, that’s just wrong.

If your job is giving you a lot to learn, invest after office hours into it. Consider it as an MBA that is paying you to study. And study hard enough.

6. Don’t get caught in office politics. It’s going to be a new world, you will encounter certain people, situations, and things that you believed were only true in movies. Just don’t let it get to your head.

7. Be kind to everyone, talk to everyone, hang out with everyone — but don’t talk bad about anyone. Negativity breeds fast and don’t let yourself be the harbor to it.

What advice would you give?

#MyTwoCents #CareerAdvice



Gopu Krishna Pillai

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